Daisuke Watanabe’s Gripping Vigilantism Thriller Manga “Zenaku no Kuzu” Set to Become Live-Action Drama Series on DMM TV

Fans of dark and intense manga have reason to rejoice as Daisuke Watanabe’s acclaimed series “Zenaku no Kuzu” is set to hit the screens as a live-action drama this winter on the DMM TV website. Titled “Gedou no Uta,” the sequel to the original series will also be part of the adaptation, promising double the intrigue and suspense for viewers.

With a staggering 6.5 million copies in circulation, including both the main series and its sequel “Gedou no Uta,” as well as digital editions and spin-offs, “Zenaku no Kuzu” has captivated audiences with its gritty storytelling and complex characters.

The manga follows a narrative of gruesome vigilantism, delving into the moral ambiguities of justice and revenge. Its dark themes and compelling plotlines have garnered a dedicated fanbase eagerly anticipating the live-action adaptation.

Produced by [production company], the drama series is expected to stay true to the essence of the manga while bringing its characters and conflicts to life on screen. With its winter release on the horizon, anticipation is building for what promises to be a riveting exploration of justice, morality, and the depths of human nature.

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