“Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM” is receiving two special editions with updates to over 500 cuts and differing epilogues.
[Screening schedule – Japan]
Special Edition 1: September 20 β October 3
Special Edition 2: November 1 β November 14
Netflix will stream the original version starting on September 1.
β Synopsis β
C.E. (Cosmic Era). An era in which there are human beings called Coordinators, born with superior physical and mental abilities thanks to genetic modification, and humans called Naturals who are born naturally. With their respective existence at stake, the ideological clash between Coordinators and Naturals escalated into war using armed force.
Along the way, the Destiny Plan was proposed, which would forcibly assign a role to each individual and create a world free of competition. But amid the fighting, this Destiny Plan was rejected in order to protect humanity’s aspirations and future freedom.