Voice actress Masuyama Eiko, renowned for her portrayal of Mine Fujiko in the beloved anime series Lupin III, breathed her last on May 20th, 2024, at the age of 89. The news of her passing was solemnly announced on the official Lupin III platform, leaving fans and the industry in mourning.
Masuyama’s illustrious career spanned decades, etching her name in the annals of anime history with unforgettable performances. Beyond her iconic role as Fujiko Mine, she lent her voice to Mama in Tensai Bakabon and Honey Kisaragi in Cutie Honey, captivating audiences with her talent and versatility.
In the wake of her passing, tributes poured in from colleagues and admirers alike. Fellow actress X expressed profound sadness over Masuyama’s departure and recounted her invaluable contributions to the Lupin family. The official Lupin III website, along with her agency, Aoni Productions, offered heartfelt condolences to her family and acknowledged her lasting impact on the anime community.
A private wake and funeral were held for close relatives, honoring Masuyama’s legacy and the indelible mark she left on the world of anime. As fans reflect on her remarkable career and cherish her memorable performances, Masuyama Eiko’s spirit will continue to live on through the characters she brought to life with her voice.