Finance Minister Sitharaman’s Newest Achievement: Praising Miyazaki While Being an Anime Villain Herself

Oh, look at our illustrious Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, once again gracing us with her unparalleled wisdom. This time, as posted by Hindustan Times, she’s been busy fawning over anime director Hayao Miyazaki, who has recently been honored with the Ramon Magsaysay Award.

Yes, the same Miyazaki who is celebrated for his enchanting works like β€˜My Neighbor Totoro’ and ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’. Apparently, Sitharaman believes that these β€œmasterpieces” are so magnificent that they’re worthy of endless viewingsβ€”clearly a far better investment than, say, fixing the country’s financial woes.

With all due respect to Hayao Miyazaki, a huge congratulations are in order for him on receiving such a prestigious award. His work has undoubtedly brought joy and inspiration to countless people. Yet, as Sitharaman lauds Miyazaki’s brilliance, one can’t help but feel a tinge of irony.

Here we have a Finance Minister whose grasp on financial management seems as elusive as a Studio Ghibli plot twist. While she showers praise on an anime legend, the real-life economy under her stewardship appears to be spiraling into its own tragic tale.

2024 Ramon Magsaysay Awardees

The 2024 Ramon Magsaysay Award winners were announced globally on Saturday, recognizing those who have made significant contributions to Asia. Established to honor former Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay, renowned for his integrity, the award celebrates individuals and organizations with notable achievements.

The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, based in Manila, selected the 2024 laureates, comprising three individuals and one organization. The award ceremony is set for November in Manila, as reported by The Japan Times.

Studio Ghibli announced on their X handle that Hayao Miyazaki is a recipient of the Ramon Magsaysay Award, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of Asia.”

Sitharaman took to X (formerly Twitter) to declare Miyazaki a β€œmagician” who serves anime like a mystical art form. She gushes about how anime has β€œmuch for adults,” as if this is some revolutionary revelation. It’s almost poetic how she manages to turn a simple congratulatory note into a grandiose celebration of anime’s intellectual prowess while the country grapples with her infamous tax hikes. Yes, the same taxes that seem to be multiplying like rabbits under her watch.

This is the same Sitharaman who, while casting herself as the benevolent patron of anime, continues to sculpt an economic landscape that feels like it’s straight out of a dystopian anime. Her financial policies are as convoluted as any plotline from a Studio Ghibli film, filled with drama and turmoil but devoid of a happy ending for the common man. Maybe if the middle class were a bit more like Totoro, they’d magically find a way to survive her relentless tax schemes.

While Sitharaman indulges in the escapism of anime, it would be wise for her to remember that her role as Finance Minister is not just a part-time gig. Perhaps, a bit of education on financial matters wouldn’t go amiss. Her recent praise for Miyazaki’s films could be viewed as a distraction from her ongoing failures.

She might be binge-watching anime, but one can’t help but wonder if the real-life drama unfolding under her tenure is more akin to a horror genre than the whimsical adventures of Ghibli’s finest.

So, here’s to you, Sitharaman, the self-proclaimed anime aficionado. While you indulge in cinematic escapism and sing praises of Miyazaki’s artistic genius, remember that your legacy might very well be defined by how skillfully you’ve managed to turn a financial utopia into an anime-style tragedy.

Bravo on the Magsaysay shout-out, but perhaps it’s time to shift your focus from fantasy to reality. Or at the very least, manage to balance your admiration for Miyazaki with a bit more practical governance. After all, the real world is waiting for you to act like a Finance Minister rather than a fan of Japanese animation.

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