Fans of the beloved Gintama series have an exciting announcement to look forward to! The highly anticipated spin-off anime, 3-Z Ginpachi-sensei, is scheduled to begin broadcasting in October 2025. This new anime series will dive into an alternate universe, exploring the comedic and chaotic adventures of Sakata Gintoki as a high school teacher, alongside his unusual cast of students.
New teaser visual & super teaser PV:
Chief Director: Makoto Moriwaki
Director: Natsumi Higashida
Series Composition: Kazuyuki Fudeyasu
Character Design / Chief Animation Director: Shinji Takeuchi
Music: Audio Highs
Production: BN Pictures
Based on the popular side-story from the original Gintama manga, 3-Z Ginpachi-sensei is set in the world of “Class 3-Z,” a parallel universe where Gintoki trades his samurai sword for the duties of a quirky high school teacher. The class includes familiar faces such as Shinpachi, Kagura, and even long-standing antagonists, reimagined as misfit students under Ginpachi-sensei’s guidance. The show promises to retain Gintamaβs signature blend of irreverent humor, heartwarming moments, and parodies of popular anime and culture.
Set to air in October 2025, the anime will feature many of the original cast members returning to voice their alternate-universe counterparts, much to the delight of longtime fans. Directed by veterans of the series, 3-Z Ginpachi-sensei is expected to carry the same energy and unpredictable storytelling that has made Gintama a fan-favorite for years.