The dark fantasy action-packed manga GACHIAKUTA created by Kei Urana, with graffiti art by Hideyoshi Andou. The series debuted in Kodanshaโs Weekly Shลnen Magazine in February 2022 and quickly gained attention, winning the Global Special Prize in the Print Manga category at the 2022 Next Manga Awards. Uranaโs vision for the manga, enriched with distinctive graffiti elements, led to a collaboration with Andou, which further enhanced the series’ unique aesthetic.
In an exciting development, GACHIAKUTA will be adapted into a TV anime in 2025, with Studio Bones handling the production. The anime will be directed by Fumihiko Suganuma, with Hiroshi Seko overseeing the series composition and Satoshi Ishino serving as the chief animation director. Fans are eagerly anticipating the intense action sequences and striking art style that are expected to define the anime.
The distribution rights for the GACHIAKUTA anime in Asia have been secured by Medialink Group, who will be bringing the series to audiences across the region. Keep an eye on Medialink Group and Ani-Oneโs social media channels for the latest updates on this highly anticipated project!
Synopsis: Crawl back from the abyss of Hell to change this lousy world!
Rudo lives in the slums of a floating town, where the poor scrape by under the shadow of the rich who live a
sumptuous life, simply casting their garbage off the side, into the abyss.
Then one day, heโs falsely accused of murder, and his wrongful conviction leads to an unimaginable
punishmentโexile off the edge, with the rest of the trash.
Down on the surface, the cast-off waste of humanity has bred vicious monsters, and if Rudo wants to have
any hope of discovering the truth and seeking vengeance against those who cast him into Hell, he will have
to master a new power and join a group known as the Cleaners who battle the hulking trash beasts of the Pit!
Press Release