HomeAnime News Updates“Ohayo! Unko-sensei” is Receiving a TV Anime Adaptation “Ohayo! Unko-sensei” is Receiving a TV Anime Adaptation July 4, 2024Arunava Ghosh “Ohayo! Unko-sensei” is receiving a TV anime adaptation. Share this:XRedditTelegramThreadsWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...
Kadokawa acquired Anime Studio Doga Kobo as a subsidiary. KADOKAWA has announced that it has acquired shares in animation production studio Doga Kobo and made it a subsidiary. Doga… Share this:XRedditTelegramThreadsWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...
“Plus-Sized Elf” TV Anime ‘Diet Challenge’ Result and Illustration Revealed The official “Plus-Sized Elf” anime account held a “diet challenge” where fans could reply/quote with “diet” emojis or “calorie” emojis… Share this:XRedditTelegramThreadsWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...
“Go! Go! Loser Ranger!” Season 2 Teaser Visual & Teaser PV Released “Go! Go! Loser Ranger!” Season 2 teaser visual, teaser PV, and April debut revealed! Yostar Pictures is animating the series.… Share this:XRedditTelegramThreadsWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...