In a significant move for the Japanese animation industry, TOHO has acquired a 6% stake in the anime management, production, and distribution company CoMix Wave Films, the studio renowned for its work with acclaimed director Makoto Shinkai. The investment not only marks a strengthening of ties between one of Japan’s largest film distributors and a leading animation studio but also intended to elevate the studio’s working environment in order to raise the quality of their works and increase the studio’s creative opportunities.
TOHO has distributed and participated in the production of all of director Makoto Shinkai’s films through CoMix Wave Films in Japan since The Garden of Words in 2013.
CoMix Wave Films was founded in March 2007 when it split from CoMix Wave Inc., which was initially formed in 1998. The studio is known for its anime feature films, short films, and television commercials, particularly those made by director Makoto Shinkai. It has gained international acclaim for its visually stunning narratives, most notably in films such as “Your Name”, “Weathering with You” and “Suzume.” These films not only broke box office records but also left a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.
Source: TOHO, Animation Business Journal (Tadashi Sudo)