Renowned mangaka Yumi Tamura, celebrated for her iconic works such as “Basara” and “7Seeds,” has once again captivated audiences with the release of “Don’t Call it Mystery” Volume 14. With an impressive 19 million copies in circulation spanning volumes 1 through 14, this critically acclaimed series continues to enthrall readers with its riveting blend of suspense, intrigue, and intricate storytelling.
At its core, “Don’t Call it Mystery” is a best-selling murder mystery following a college student solving various mysterious crime cases. Known as “Mystery to iu nakare,” the series has garnered widespread acclaim for its gripping narrative and well-crafted characters.
Volume 14 promises another thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and unexpected revelations as readers are invited to join the protagonist on yet another gripping journey through the enigmatic world of crime-solving. With its meticulously plotted storylines and immersive world-building, “Don’t Call it Mystery” solidifies its status as a must-read for fans of the genre.
As fans eagerly anticipate the release of “Don’t Call it Mystery” Volume 14, one thing is certain: Yumi Tamura’s talent for crafting compelling narratives shines through once again, promising an unforgettable journey into the heart of darkness where every clue holds the key to unlocking the ultimate truth.
Average college student Totonou Kunou’s routine morning of preparing curry is abruptly interrupted when police officers arrive at his door, questioning him about his whereabouts the previous night. As it turns out, one of his classmates was found dead near his houseโand the police take Totonou to the station as a prime suspect for murder.
Having no close relations with the victim, Totonou vehemently claims his innocence, asserting he had no motive to harm them. However, when a witness places him at the crime scene, his time in custody extends beyond his expectations. As he interacts more with the police department, they quickly realize Totonou is no ordinary suspect. Despite being a bit difficult to handle, Totonou demonstrates exceptional observational skillsโastutely deducing each member’s personal dilemmas with just a handful of clues.
With evidence against him continuing to mount, Totonou is compelled to rely on his deductive prowess to unravel the mystery behind his classmate’s death, clearing his name and unmasking the true perpetrator.
Some Insights-
“Mystery to Iu Nakare”: A Manga Phenomenon Recognized Globally. The acclaim surrounding “Mystery to Iu Nakare” knows no bounds, with its stellar achievements garnering attention both at home and abroad. Nominated for prestigious awards such as the Manga Taisho Award and the Shogakukan Manga Award, this gripping series has captivated readers and critics alike.
In 2019 and 2020, “Mystery to Iu Nakare” clinched second and sixth place respectively at the Manga Taisho Awards, solidifying its status as a contender among the best in the industry. Additionally, the manga was honored with nominations at the 65th Shogakukan Manga Award and the 44th Kodansha Manga Award, further underscoring its widespread recognition.
Not content with mere nominations, “Mystery to Iu Nakare” soared to new heights when it clinched the General category award at the 67th Shogakukan Manga Awards in 2022โa testament to its enduring appeal and exceptional quality. Its accolades didn’t stop there, as it also secured a nomination at the 26th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award in the same year, cementing its place in manga history.
The series’ global reach has been further amplified by its English publication as “Don’t Call It Mystery” by Seven Seas Entertainment, with 2-in-1 omnibus volumes captivating readers since May 30, 2023. French-speaking audiences have also been treated to the series, thanks to its release by Noeve Grafx starting from May 13, 2021.
Beyond the printed page, “Mystery to Iu Nakare” leapt onto the small screen with its adaptation into a Japanese television drama. Airing on Fuji TV from January 10, 2022, to March 28, 2022, the drama brought the series’ thrilling narrative to life, captivating audiences with its suspenseful storytelling and compelling characters.
As “Mystery to Iu Nakare” continues to captivate audiences around the globe, its accolades and adaptations stand as a testament to its enduring legacy and undeniable impact on the world of manga and entertainment.
Source- MyAnimeList